Sally Willms

Mrs. Willms’ Deep Hope is that her students will encounter the love God has for them and that from that securely loved place, they will develop strong character and kingdom fruit in their lives.

Bachelor of Arts: U of M; Bachelor of Education (English Major, Social Studies Minor): U of W.

Sally Willms teaches Kindergarten

Mrs. Willms has been teaching at Westpark for 11 years, however she was also in the school’s very first Kindergarten class, with her mom as her teacher! Sally loves the moment it ‘clicks’ for a child and when her students understand something for the first time, whether that’s about an academic concept or a spiritual revelation.

In her classroom, Mrs. Willms strives to help individual students meet and exceed the Kindergarten curricular outcomes, as well as come to an understanding of how much God loves them and how God can be their friend forever. She models for students how to build relationships and show compassion for one another. There is an incredible amount of learning and growth that takes place among her KinderKids who offer Sally a wealth of adorable antics that keep her loving her job and laughing every single day.

Mrs. Willms’ Deep Hope is that her students will encounter the love God has for them and that from that securely loved place, they will develop strong character and kingdom fruit in their lives. She hopes that they each discover the thrill of partnering with God to turn this world upside down until Earth looks as it is in Heaven.

Sally loves spending time with her husband Corey, their two boys, and their dog, three cats, hamster and nine fish (they could use more pets)! She enjoys being outdoors, living in the country, hiking, cross country skiing, biking and swimming. In her free time Mrs. Willms likes to read, play piano, learn guitar, watch movies and get creative with her Cricut.



Victoria Klassen


Lydia Stoesz